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During lockdown, the french magazine Fou de patisserie shared this giant cookie recipe by Cédric Grolet,

It is made of a cookie base, toppings are : hazelnut praliné and a salted caramel. because toppings are life!

30 minutes preparation
makes 1 XXL cookie


For the Cookie dough recipe (makes 2/3 XXL cookies)

  • 160g butter – room temperature
  • 200g of dark brown sugar (I used cassonade)
  •  40g unrefined cane sugar
  • 20g hazelnut paste
  •  8g sea salt
  •  320g flour
  •  3,2g de baking soda
  •  100g roasted hazelnuts
  •  75g eggs

For the hazelnut praliné :

  • 100g roasted hazelnuts
  •  40g sugar
  • 20g water
  •  2g sea salt

Le caramel onctueux – I did 1/3 of the recipe :

  •  317g sugar
  • 233g butter
  • vanilla extract
  • 350g glucose
  • 667g liquid cream
  • 167g milk
  • 8g sea salt


  • For the cookie dough
  1. Mix together the butter and the sugars, add in the egg and the salt
  2. In another bowl mix together the flour and the baking soda
  3. Add the dry ingredients to the sugar mix, add in the vanilla and the roasted hazelnuts
  4. let it chill for 30m in the fridge
  5. Prepare a XXL cookie and bake for 15min in a preheated oven
  • For the hazelnut praliné
  1. Cook the sugar to 130 C
  2. add in the roasted hazelnuts and mix with a wooden spoon until it becomes “sandy” then add in the salt
  3. let it cool down then mix it all until you get a spreadable paste
  • For the caramel :
  1. Cook the sugar and the glucose to 130/140C
  2. Deglaze with the milk and cream
  3. Add in the vanilla, salt and butter
  • For the final cookie :
  1. Top your cookie with the caramel and the hazelnut praliné
  2. Add some roasted hazelnuts
  3. Enjoy!
