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Vanilla is for sure my favourite spice. So bold, rich, decadent. I could use it in all of my dessert.

Macaron can be tricky because it require some technical skills (“macaronage”), but once you start to practice it will come to you naturally.

I based those on Pierre Hermé recipe – the master of macaron. Divide the macaron recipe by two (not the ganache) to make around 25 macarons

The filling is a ganache montée with lots and lots of vanilla

1h preparation
makes 25 macarons


For the macarons :

  • 300g almond powder
  • 300g icing sugar
  • 110g egg whites (at least 4 days old in the fridge)
  • 1 vanilla bean pod


  • 300g sugar
  • 75g water
  • 110g egg whites (at least 4 days old in the fridge)

For the Vanilla ganache :

  • 100g liquid cream
  • 110g white chocolate
  • 1 vanilla bean pod
  • 50g liquid cream


  1. The day before : prep the ganache – boil 100G of cream, melt the chocolate – add everything together with a whisk and add the cold cream. Let it sit for one night in the fridge then montez la ganache (until whipped consistency)
  2. Pass through a sieve the icing sugar and almond flour (add some vanilla bean), add on it the first 110g of liquid egg (without mélanger)
  3. Boil the water and sugar to 118C°. When the syrup is at 115, start whipping the other batch of egg whites
  4. pour the cooked sugar on the egg whites. Whisk until it is cooling down and reaches 50C°. Incorporate that in the preparation of (2) , et macaronner la pâte.
  5. make the macarons on pastry oven plaque, tap them and let it sit “crouter” for at least 30m
  6. Preheat the oven (chaleur tournante) to 180C°. Let them cook for 12min in opening two times the oven door. When you take them out of the oven : place them to cool down on another surface
  7. Garnish with la crème montée vanille
  8. Enjoy!