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Makes one Saint-Honoré

Saint honoré is the kind of dessert that feature both complex and classic techniques all in one creation. It is composed of a puff pastry base (I made my saint honoré using my inverted puff pastry recipe, shared in the King’s pie recipe), petits choux, diplomate cream & whipped cream.

Make sure you have some time to prepare it…Now let’s get to the recipe!


For the Saint Honoré :

  • 130g puff pastry
  • 120g crème patissière (for garnish)
  • 73g pâte à choux
  • 105g crème patissière to garnish the choux
  • A bit of caramel (to dip the choux in it)
  • 21g craquelin
  • 180g crème montée vanille
  • 4g icing sugar

Pâte à choux :

  • 44g milk
  • 40g water
  • 3,2g sugar
  • 305g salt
  • 50g butter
  • 88g glour
  • 100g egg (2eggs)

Craquelin :

  • 35g butter
  • 45g flour
  • 45g sugar

Crème patissière :

  • 450g milk
  • 50g crème fraiche
  • 1 tsp Vanilla Powder
  • 90g sugar
  • 25g cornstarch
  • 25g flour
  • 90g egg yolk
  • 30g cacao butter
  • 4 gelatin sheets
  • 50g butter
  • 30g mascarpone


For the Saint Honoré :

  1. Make the puff pastry following this recipe

For the Choux :

  1. Make the choux with some craquelin :
  2. Put milk, water , sugar, salt and butter in a pan, heat until butter is melted and water is boiling
  3. Off heat, add the flour all at once. And dry this dough for 1/2m in the pan
  4. Let it cool down for 5m
  5. gradually add the beaten eggs
  6. Then you have two choices to have regular petits choux. First one is to pipe them, freeze them for 20m – powder then with 3g powdered cacao powder and then cook them for 40m at 160C° in a static heat oven. Second method is to put some “craquelin” on it (made with 35g butter, 45g flour and 45g sugar) . Then cook for 10m at 180 C° (with a wood spatula to let the vapor go away) and then 20m a 160 C°
  7. Once the choux are cooked, immediately take them off the cooking mat, and put them on a wire rack (this will prevent condensation from happening)

Make some crème patissière :

  1. Rehydrate gelatin sheets in cold water
  2. mix together the egg yolks with the sugar. Add in the flour and the cornstarch
  3. heat the milk and the cream. then pour the warm milk on the eggs.
  4. Put back on the heat, and cook le whisking constantly and until desired consistency.
  5. Let it cool in a bowl then add in the gelatin sheets, the butters and the mascarpone
  6. let it cool for the night with a plastic wrap on top of it
  7. Fill each choux with 15g crème patissière and dip them in the warm caramel

For the caramel :

  • Cook 250g superfine sugar with 100g water until brown color

To assemble :

  1. Stick the filled choux around on the edge of the puffed pastry
  2. In the center add 120g of pastry cream
  3. Pipe the crème montée around using a saint honoré nozzle and finish with a choux on top
  4. Enjoy