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Makes 1/2L of the drink

Summer calls for very very refreshing drink !
I Decided to change from the traditional lemonade recipe and created a recipe with a seasonal ingredients : rhubarb.
This recipe is 5m only and calls for very very few ingrédients : rhubarb, sugar, (lemon), filtered water…


  • 2 stocks of rhubarb
  • 3 tablespoon of unrefined cane sugar
  • 1/2L of filtered water


  1. Cut the rhubarb in small chunks
  2. Add the water
  3. Put it to cook
  4. When water reaches the boiling point, turn of the heat and filter everything
  5. Put it back to boil with the sugar
  6. Turn off the heat again
  7. Let it cool down before bottling it
  8. (you can add lemon juice to it)
  9. Serve on the rocks or as a base for your mocktail