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Makes 8 individual tarts

Peanut anything please! Those who know me, know that my secret favourite decadent snacks are reese peanut butter cup. It is probably one of my favourite thing on earth.
So, I had  to make this peanut tart by @aureliencohen
The tart is made of peanut praline, milk chocolate ganache and a caramel.


For the Crust :

  • 60g butter
  • 45g icing sugar
  • 28g eggs
  • 1g sea salt
  • 15g almond powder
  • 125g flour

For the dorure :

  • 20g egg yolk
  • 5g liquid cream

Peanut praliné :

  • 150g roasted salted peanut
  • 100g sugar

Ganache montée peanut praliné :

  • 100g liquid cream
  • 4g gelatin
  • 24g water to hydrate the gelatin
  • 98h white chocolate
  • 221g liquid cream
  • 110g peanut praliné

Caramel :

  • 50g sugar
  • 55g glucose syrup (1)
  • 105g liquid cream
  • 28g whole milk (2)
  • 28g glucose syrup (2)
  • 1g sea alt
  • 35g butter
  • 25g whole milk (3)

Milk chocolate ganache :

  • 200g liquid cream
  • 225g milk chocolate
  • 20g honey
  • 70g butter

Caramelized peanuts :

  • 150g salted peanuts
  • 90g sugar
  • 29g water


For the crust :

  • Mix the butter, icing sugar, almond, flour, salt , then add the egg and stop the mixer when everything is homogeneous
  • Roll the dough between two sheets of parchment paper until it is 2,5mm thickness . Place in the freezer for 20m
  • Make the disk of dough and put it on a ring mold. Place for 2h in the freezer before cooking
  • Cook for 15m at 160C°
  • After 15m, put the dorure on the pie crust and make it cool again for 10/15m

For the peanut praliné :

  • Roast the peanut for 10m at 150C°
  • In a pot make a caramel with the sugar then pour on the peanut
  • Let it cool and mix until praline consistency

Ganache montée peanut praliné :

  • Hydrate the gelatin in cold water
  • Cook the small amount of cream
  • Then incorporate the gelatin
  • Pour that on the white chocolate. Make the ganache
  • Add the big quantity of cold cream , film and let it in the fridge for at least 8h

For the caramel :

  • Bring to a boil the cream with the milk (2), glucose (2) and salt
  • At the same time make a caramel with sugar and glucose (1) until it reaches 180C
  • Deglaze the caramel with the cream mixture
  • Put back on the stove and cook until 107C
  • When the caramel reaches 70C° , add the butter , mix, add the milk (3) and mix

Caramelized peanuts :

  • Cook the sugar and water to 110C. Then add the peanuts
  • Put on a parchment paper

Chocolate ganache :

  • In a pot cook the cream and honey
  • Then pour on the milk chocolate
  • Then add the butter and mix the ganache

To assemble :

  • In the bottom of the pie crust put a little pie of peanut praline
  • Then a layer of caramel
  • Pour the chocolate ganache over it and let it chill for 2h in the fridge
  • Then whisk the ganache montée like a Chantilly
  • Put in on the pie , add the caramelized peanuts and enjoy