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25 minutes preparation
Makes one pie

If there is a tradition that I never skip, it is the making for the king’s pie – aka galette des rois – every year a little bit after New Year – which is when the Epiphany is celebrated – on January 6th

I start with the same base every time : a homemade inverted puff pastry. When I prepare this puff pastry, I always make sure to make a lot more and then freeze some of it for when I fancy to make pies….

For the filling it’s always a mix of crème patissière and almond frangipane…


For the puff pastry – inverted method  :

  • 150ml cold water (détrempe 1)
  • 15g sea salt (1)
  • 1 tbsp distilled white vinegar (détrempe 1)
  • 350g flour T55 (détrempe 1)
  • 115g melted butter (détrempe 1)
  • 375g butter – room temperature (2)
  • 150g flour T45 (2)

For the Almond filling :

First make a crème patissière :

  • 125g whole milk
  • 20g sugar
  • 15g cornstarch
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tablespoon rhum

For the almond cream :

  • 100g of almond powder
  • 1 egg
  • 80g sugar (I always use unrefined)
  • 50g butter room temperature

For the Glaze :

  • 1 egg yolk
  • 2g of liquid cream


For the inverted puff pastry :

  1. Make the “inside” dough by mixing all of the ingredients (1) (melted butter should be cold/room temp). Filmed it with plastic paper and make a rectangle. (this rectangle will be half the size of the second dough aka the “outside” dough)
  2. Make beurre manié by mixing all together the ingredients (2). Film it and make a rectangle that is twice the size of the first dough
  3. Put everything in the fridge for a night
  4. The next morning take them and let them come to room temp for 10m. Put the rectangle of dough (1) on top and in the middle of dough (2), close dough (2) onto dough (1) and make 1 tour double calle tour “portefeuille”. Let rest in the fridge for 2h
  5. Do another Tour double . 2h in the fridge
  6. Do one Tour simple. 2h in the fridge. Then you can roll and use it

For the filling :

  1. Incorporate the pastry cream and the almond cream all together (do not overmix) and let it chill one hour in the fridge
  2. With one portion of the puff pastry, roll down two disks
  3. Put some water on the inside edges of the disks
  4. Garnish with the cream and put the lucky charm on it
  5. For a super shiny galette mix all together one egg yolk with 2g liquid cream and brush on the pie. Put the pie 30m in the fridge et repeat it.
  6. Make the drawings of your liking on the pie then cook for 25m in a 180C degree oven